Academic Eligibility
All academic eligibility requirements for extracurricular participants are outlined the Texas Education Agency/UIL Side-by-Side document - T.E.A./U.I.L. Side-by-Side
At the middle school level the following academic requirements apply for the beginning of the school year:
Incoming 7th graders must have been promoted and not placed
8th graders must have been promoted and not placed
Any student that does not meet the criteria above is ineligible to participate in games and/or contests the first six weeks of the school year or until they pass all classes at the first official grade reporting period. Students may practice however. The first official grade reporting period is the first six weeks report and the second official grade reporting period is the first nine weeks report.
The remainder of the school year follows the Galveston ISD Eligibility Calendar. The high school and middle schools are on a nine weeks grading system.