Advanced Academics
For the 2022-2023 school year-GRADE 7 & 8
Advanced Core: Advanced Reading & Writing, Social Studies, Pre-Algebra, Algebra, Biology.
Fine Arts: HS Credit Art, Theater, Band, Choir.
Robotics: HS Credit Fundamentals of Computer Science, HS Credit Robotics.
Enriched Experiences: Academic UIL, STEM Fair, PSAT, Pre-ACT, Field Trips in TX and Abroad.
*Central MS advanced academics are designed for access to college readiness. Students will take the TSIA2 after 8th grade.
Medical Detectives (7th)
Principles of Biomedical Science (8th)
Students delve into activities like designing a prosthetic arm and investigate how to prevent, diagnose, and treat disease.
Intro to Engineering (7th)
Engineering Design (8th)
Students apply math, science, and engineering standards to hands-on projects like designing new devices or improving an existing product.
Financial Literacy (7th)
Principles of Business (8th)
Students apply mathematical standards to manage financial resources effectively for lifetime financial security. Students learn the basics of financial institutions, borrowing money, and lending principles. mxINCedu
Digital Media (7th)
Principles of Audio- Visual Production (8th)
Students will explore the Audio and Video production industry and its post-secondary educational and career opportunities. Professional grade equipment and software will be used in the creation of student-led productions.